Category: 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

1 Comment on Two Step Flow theory
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’ Blog

Two Step Flow theory

The two-step flow theory is The theoretical hypothesis proposed by American communication scholar Lazarsfeld in 1940 in…

Dior in USA Chicago
2 Comments on Two step flow theory in internet marketing
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Two step flow theory in internet marketing

The two-step flow theory is a communication model proposed in the book The People’s Choice in 1948…

5 Comments on Further understanding of “why opinion leaders” are needed
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Further understanding of “why opinion leaders” are needed

With today’s technology being so advanced, social media has become an integral part of people’s lives and…

6 Comments on Understanding the cultural industry in the new era – take TikTok and fan movies as examples.
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Understanding the cultural industry in the new era – take TikTok and fan movies as examples.

As early as the 1930s and 1940s, Governments and political parties started promoting political ideologies to the…

2 Comments on Culture Industry & Tourism
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Culture Industry & Tourism

Starting from the theory of Adorno and Horkheimer, the intent is to carry out an analysis of the application of the theory on a personal topic of your choice. In this case of the so-called mass tourism.

1 Comment on You want to understand the Two-Step Flow Theory? Well, your at the right place!
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

You want to understand the Two-Step Flow Theory? Well, your at the right place!

What is the Two Step Flow Theory? The Two Step Flow Theory is an understandment of how…

2 Comments on Two Step Flow theory in China
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Two Step Flow theory in China

Nowadays, with the progress of science and technology to promote the rapid development of the media industry,…

2 Comments on Two-step flow theory: society needs “opinion leaders.”
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Two-step flow theory: society needs “opinion leaders.”

Two-Step Flow Theory: “Information and messages are first sent from the media to thought leaders, influencers, or…

2 Comments on Application of Two-Step Flow Theory in digital media era
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Application of Two-Step Flow Theory in digital media era

The Two-Step Flow Theory was proposed by Paul Lazarsfeld, Elihu Katz and R.K. Merton in 1950. In…

5 Comments on Chinese & Western cultural industries
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Chinese & Western cultural industries

Nowadays, the rapid development of media, the advancement of science and technology and the development of the…

1 Comment on A quick word about Culture Industry
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’ Blog

A quick word about Culture Industry

Some definition of culture industry Culture Industry is a concept pioneered by Adorno and Horkheimer in their…

0 Comment on Two step flow theory-Passive audiences
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Two step flow theory-Passive audiences

In these weeks of study, we have learned the concept of two step flow theory.The key of two-step…

2 Comments on Loss of individuality——Culture industry
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Loss of individuality——Culture industry

Loss of individuality——Culture industry How to simply understand the cultural industry? It can be divided into the…

0 Comment on Culture industry
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Culture industry

The cultural foundation and ideas of each country are different, and with the changing times, culture is…

0 Comment on Cultural industry
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Cultural industry

Here I would like to say a few words about China’s cultural industry today. China’s cultural industry…

4 Comments on From Two-Step Flow theory to Multi-Step Flow theory
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

From Two-Step Flow theory to Multi-Step Flow theory

What is the ‘Two Step Flow theory’? The two-step flow theory refers to a type of communication…

0 Comment on Understanding Two-Step Flow Theory.
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Understanding Two-Step Flow Theory.

Understanding Two-Step Flow theory. UNDERSTANDING What does the term ‘’Two-Step Flow theory’’ mean? FIrst thing to say…

2 Comments on The Two-Step Flow Theory: Understood
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

The Two-Step Flow Theory: Understood

The initial concept and creation of the “Two-Step Flow Theory” was first developed during the 1940s. The…

2 Comments on The analyse of “Why Two-Step Flow Theory is outdated”
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’ Blog

The analyse of “Why Two-Step Flow Theory is outdated”

Short introduce about the theory The Two-Step Flow Theory was post by Paul Lazarsfeld in 1940s. It…

2 Comments on Exploring the Two-Step Flow Theory with The Rise of Sustainable Fashion
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Exploring the Two-Step Flow Theory with The Rise of Sustainable Fashion

What is Two Step Flow Theory? The theory of two-step flow of communication, as the theory of…

2 Comments on The impact of the ‘we-media’ era on the Cultural Industry
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

The impact of the ‘we-media’ era on the Cultural Industry

Introduction : Mass culture, as a new cultural form that comes into being with culture entering the…

2 Comments on Analyzing why “Liu Genghong” became popular from the perspective of two-step flow communication theory?
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Analyzing why “Liu Genghong” became popular from the perspective of two-step flow communication theory?

During the epidemic, the “Liu Genghong fitness exercise”on Chinese TikTok platform was so hot, to what extent was it hot? During the period of control and closure of people in the community building WeChat group of white-collar workers, housewives, retired elderly people all meet together to dance this exercise. During the sealing control in Shanghai, it became the simplest form of entertainment.