Author: w1964141

1 Comment on What is the “Male Gaze”?
Posted in 4. Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’

What is the “Male Gaze”?

1.What is the “Male Gaze”?The male gaze is a socio-cultural phenomenon defined by the fact that women…

0 Comment on Manufacturing Consent
Posted in 3. ‘Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’

Manufacturing Consent

Manufacturing consensus refers to the process of power using various means to align the public’s consciousness with…

2 Comments on Construction of identity in a digital world
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’ Blog

Construction of identity in a digital world

Who is’ me ‘? One theory suggests that the formation of parallel worlds originates from human behavior…

0 Comment on hi, my name is zhangzezhao
Posted in Blog Hello World

hi, my name is zhangzezhao

I come from China.I like playing games, listening to music, watching movies, Skiing travel and my hometown is Heilongjiang….

0 Comment on Culture industry
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Culture industry

The cultural foundation and ideas of each country are different, and with the changing times, culture is…