Author: Fangyu

6 Comments on The perils of the male gaze on women
Posted in 4. Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’

The perils of the male gaze on women

What is “Male Gaze”? The “male gaze” is a concept introduced by film critic Laura Mulvey in…

3 Comments on Deciphering Nike’s Innovation: The Art of Encoding and Decoding in Instagram Shoe Ads
Posted in 3. ‘Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’

Deciphering Nike’s Innovation: The Art of Encoding and Decoding in Instagram Shoe Ads

Social media ads involve encoding—crafting messages by advertisers using visuals and language, while decoding is the audience’s…

1 Comment on Digital Chameleons: How People Construct Identities and Why They Behave Differently Online
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’

Digital Chameleons: How People Construct Identities and Why They Behave Differently Online

Introduction In the vast landscape of the digital world, individuals have the unique opportunity to craft and…

2 Comments on Exploring the Two-Step Flow Theory with The Rise of Sustainable Fashion
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Exploring the Two-Step Flow Theory with The Rise of Sustainable Fashion

What is Two Step Flow Theory? The theory of two-step flow of communication, as the theory of…

0 Comment on About Fangyu Huang
Posted in Hello World

About Fangyu Huang

Hi! I’m Fangyu Huang, and you can also call me by my English name, Erin🦋 I’m from…