Author: Hankun

2 Comments on Rethinking the Male Gaze: A Critical Analysis of Modern Media and Academia
Posted in 4. Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’

Rethinking the Male Gaze: A Critical Analysis of Modern Media and Academia

The male gaze, literally translated, is the nature of things seen from a male perspective. Have you…

0 Comment on Ideas of Encoding and Decoding: Insights from My Experience as a Video Maker
Posted in 3. ‘Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’

Ideas of Encoding and Decoding: Insights from My Experience as a Video Maker

In the dynamic world of media, encoding and Decoding are crucial to understanding communication. These ideas are…

2 Comments on Our Digital Thinking Shaping Identity in a Virtual World
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’ Blog

Our Digital Thinking Shaping Identity in a Virtual World

The digital realm is our modern-day canvas, where we each paint our own stories and curate content…

2 Comments on Two-step flow theory: society needs “opinion leaders.”
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’

Two-step flow theory: society needs “opinion leaders.”

Two-Step Flow Theory: “Information and messages are first sent from the media to thought leaders, influencers, or…

2 Comments on Just Call Me Levi
Posted in Hello World

Just Call Me Levi

Hello, I’m Zhao Hankun, but I also quite like my English name Levi, I’m just nineteen years…