Understanding The Male Gaze

What is the Male Gaze?

The male gaze refers to how visual media is shaped by male desires and their needs. Highlighting that many things are made from the male point of view to objectify and sexualize women. It is a topic that has received a lot of attention in feminist theory and media studies. Laura Mulvey, a feminist film theorist, developed the term to describe how visual arts and literature depict the world and women from a masculine perspective.

The Male Gaze On Screen:

An example of where the male gaze has been portrayed on screen is in the series Euphoria. The American series focuses on many different issues with teenagers and navigating complicated relationships. A clear storyline showing the effects of the male gaze is through the relationship of Cassie Howard and Nate Jacobs.

In the 2022 series character Nate Jacobs was previously in a relationship with Cassie Howard’s best friend Maddy Perez. During the breakup of the couple, Cassie developed feelings for Nate and made it her aim to be noticed by Nate, initially Nate did not care for Cassie so we see Cassie slowly changing her looks to look like her best friend Maddie as seen in images below. In the episodes we also see Cassie waking up at 4am each morning doing a rigorous morning routine to make herself presentable each day hoping Nate notices her.

Cassie Howard Scene – Euphoria (TV Series)

Within Cassie Howard, we see the negative effects of how the male gaze can affect women through her attempts to be desirable to Nate often at her own expense. As much as these storylines and scenes can spread awareness on this matter. These ideas can reinforce traditional views of how women should be portrayed in romantic or intimate contexts.

However, it is also important to remember and understand that women are not always portrayed in this way when on screen. There are often times in visual media when strong female leads are portrayed.

Combatting The Male Gaze:

In the 2023 live-action Barbie movie, the film focuses on Barbie’s personal journey of self-acceptance and discovery. It focuses much more on female empowerment and embracing the true self. In the film Barbie played by Margot Robbie gets kicked out of Barbieland for no longer being perfect enough. She embarks on an adventure in the ‘real world’ to ‘fix’ herself where she learns to embrace her imperfections and discovers the power of self-acceptance. This film was a good way of helping women, especially young women who may be watching the movie whilst struggling with their own self-acceptance and self-image.

My Summary:

The male gaze overall has a wide range of effects on society, particularly through its pervasive influence in visual media. This issue contributes to female objectification and sexualization, turning them into passive objects for male consumption. These depictions often reinforce harmful stereotypes, maintain unrealistic beauty standards, and promote an environment in which women may feel pressured to conform to limited ideals. Alongside this, the normalisation of the male gaze in the media can contribute to broader societal issues such as gender equality which is why I believe it is important the media begin to minimize this.


HBO Max (2022) Cassie Has Never Even Been Happier. Youtube. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TikWkBGz9I [Accessed 1st December 2023]

Warner Bros. Pictures (2023) Barbie | Main Trailer. Youtube. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBk4NYhWNMM&t=25s [Accessed 1st December 2023]

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