About Manufacturing Consert

Manufacturing Identity It is the process by which power, through various means, aligns the consciousness of the masses with the dominant ideology. It is also called manufacturing consensus. It was first proposed by Walter Lippmann, the most influential American political commentator of the 20th century. Lippmann was in favour of elite rule, believing that to govern a country requires wisdom, patience, discipline and deep knowledge of national and world affairs, as well as the ability to make appropriate trade-offs between long-term and immediate interests.

Consensus-building is an important form of social interaction that involves cooperation and consultation in various fields, such as politics, economics and culture. The key to consensus-building is to establish mutual trust and common interests and to reach consensus through communication and exchange. In modern societies, consensus building is important for solving problems and achieving goals.

In the political arena, consensus building is key to establishing and maintaining a stable society. Trust between the government and citizens is an important factor in promoting consensus. The government should listen to the voices of citizens, respect their rights and interests, and communicate and negotiate with them in order to reach consensus. For example, during an epidemic, the Government should actively communicate with its citizens and work together to formulate anti-epidemic measures to reduce the impact of the epidemic on society….

The clear-sighted leader is bound to clash with the irrational, short-sighted masses. While the masses are always wrong at critical moments, they are powerful, and politicians have to soothe, bribe, seduce and manipulate their constituents. Thus, in a democratic society, elite domination over the masses must be achieved through the manufacture of identity. Lippmann identifies the practice of identity-making as a standing function consciously employed by democratic governments. The American linguist and thinker Noam. Chomsky, an American linguist and thinker, and Herman, an economist and media analyst, co-authored the book Manufacturing Identity: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, which argues that the media is actually a tool of propaganda that teaches values and codes of conduct, guides people to accept new ways of life, and integrates them into the social system created by the media.

The website of Russian Television had published an article on 25 January entitled “U.S. Now Acting Towards China in Line with Its Past Pre-War Actions”, written by Tom Foday, a British political and international relations analyst.They said:The United States has long been waging a propaganda war against Beijing, along with its closest partners, to legitimise its goal of containing China.

Thus, the foreign policy engine of the United States is a good example of “consensus-building”, whereby national resources are weaponised to coordinate the attention of experts, think tanks and journalists on certain issues in order to influence public opinion and support Washington’s policies.

This is a strategy of creating a “self-fulfilling prophecy” by covering up acts of aggression by fomenting “moral issues” about the target of the attack. Countries that use this strategy often use “human rights” as a pretext to exploit and manipulate the goodwill of the population by orchestrating exaggerated crises, disguising the underlying foreign policy objectives as legitimate acts of “goodwill and concern”. .

1 thought on “About Manufacturing Consert

  1. Hi,
    I really like the information you have given us in your blog it has helped me understand what Manufacturing Consert means and how its important. I also like the way you explained who it was used by and the way you added some articles it related to, however one thing I would say is maybe add some images or diagrams on how it possibly works or maybe images of the people mentioned in your blog so we can maybe as connect with the text more. Other than that i think you did really well explaining.
    Thank you

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