Manufacturing consent and functionalism,Marxism theories.

To create a system in which citizens become willing and obedient, consenting and unquestioning, obeying certain principles and paradigms, all by way of corporate-sponsored propaganda through mass media and commercialism, as opposed to obedience achieved through strongman tactics is called “manufacturing constant.

In some ways,this concept may similar to the concept of social consensus.In contrast to conflict theories.Consensus theories are those that see people in society as having shared interests and society functioning on the basis of there being broad consensus on its norms and values.This is most associated with Functionalism.(2)

At the same time, the concept of manufacturing consent also reminds me of the theory of social solidarity.Which also illustrates the idea that people in power are able to manipulate the public in order to achieve benefits.These theories illustrate how people in the upper classes control the masses to achieve their goals and benefit themselves.

Based on these theories are all about “Manipulation”, not the subjective will of the public.I would define it as a negative effect and, more seriously,a phenomenon that has affected media users on a large scale.American philosopher Noam Chomsky once said, “He who controls the media controls people’s minds.”We can refer this to the Marxist critique of theories related to”brainwashing” as well.

Celebrities and influencers are always Posting about their lives on social media, but there have been plenty of headlines about people who are simply not as glamorous as they appear on social media. All they show is their characterLet’s take some example,companies like Amazon advertise how well they are doing during the covid 19 pandemic,but ignore the fact that they are also treat their employees terrible.The film’s producers put good reviews at the top and have the right to delete bad reviews to make their comment sections look better for audiences.Celebrities and influencers are always Posting about their lives on social media, but there have been plenty of headlines about people who are simply not as glamorous as they appear on social media. All they shows is their “character.”

In addition, it is worth noting that most media are driven by interests.From a commercial point of view, there will inevitably be cases of cheating consumers.But most of them are relatively minor, often making media consumers difficult to find.(3)Even under the control of the law,false media content still exists,which suggests that we as a public need to be more discerning and self-filter out harmful and false information.

Once more and more media manipulators manipulate people’s minds, the masses will only be exposed to what those in power want them to be exposed to.The media will become fake and untrustworthy.It’s definitely a negative for us.

2 thoughts on “Manufacturing consent and functionalism,Marxism theories.

  1. Hello, such an amazing post!!
    I have enjoyed reading all the information and, honestly, I think your post is engaging and one of the reasons is because of the examples that you have used such as Amazon and Influencers.
    Do you think that today we are manipulated by the great elites of social media, the influencers?

  2. I do agree with you that manufactured consent has a huge impact on people. It can shape public perceptions, influence opinions and form attitudes towards particular issues, policies or even entire ideologies. When consent is manufactured through the media, propaganda or controlled information, individuals can be swayed to support ideas or actions without being fully aware of other viewpoints. This can limit critical thinking, impede informed decision-making, and foster passive acceptance of the status quo. Recognising and questioning sources of information is essential to developing a more informed and independent citizenry.

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