Manufacturing Consent

Manufacturing consensus refers to the process of power using various means to align the public’s consciousness with mainstream ideology. Also known as manufacturing consensus. 


If you were a business manager, what would you think when you saw the employees on the workstation looking listless? What you’re probably thinking is: Why don’t they work hard? This phenomenon is referred to as “yield limitation” in academia, and there are various explanations for it. However, in the eyes of a qualified sociologist, this question may have to be asked in reverse: why should workers work hard? What makes workers let go of their free and leisurely lives, immerse themselves in a tense and exhausted work state, and sometimes even enjoy it?

There are two common answers: “incentivizers” believe that workers work hard because companies offer them “efficiency wages” that are higher than market prices, which motivates them to actively perform in order to stay in their positions; The “coercive faction” believes that workers work hard to survive, and if they lose their jobs due to disobedience to company orders, it will actually endanger their own lives.

Two answers, seemingly one positive energy and one negative energy, actually speak of the same thing: firstly, both believe that the objective “economic rationality” determines workers’ behavior, that is, workers work hard for income; Secondly, it is believed that external market mechanisms play an important role in determining income, and workers must invest corresponding labor efforts in order to obtain the desired economic returns; Thirdly, they only explain why workers “come to work”, rather than explaining their state in “working”.

Differences between China and the West

4.Differences in cultural values

The ideology of Chinese media is relatively conservative, and it lags behind in terms of information openness and timeliness. It responds quickly to positive news reports, but some negative news reports may be delayed or choose not to be reported. 

Western media has always attached great importance to the social environment monitoring function of the media. Actively paying attention to sudden and catastrophic events.


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