Manufacturing Consent

The idea of “manufacturing consent” is a concept that delves into the ways in which public opinion and behavior can be influenced and manipulated through media, propaganda and other means. It focuses on how those, in power or with authority work to shape the interests and objectives of society. This concept was initially developed by Gabriel Tarde, a sociologist in the century and later expanded upon by Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist thinker in the early 20th century. They saw “manufactured consent” as a tool for dominance used to uphold and legitimize capitalism.

Today the notion of consent still holds relevance and influence within our political and social environment. It exposes the nature of media and propaganda while also highlighting the dangers of public apathy and ignorance. This concept has inspired scholars, activists and journalists to examine how the media operates within different contexts such as terrorism wars, climate crises or even during pandemics like COVID 19.

Understanding “manufacturing consent” is crucial for us to recognize its impact, on our worldview and behavior. By questioning the role of media and propaganda we can strive to become citizens who think critically about these influences.

According to this theory, the media is not entirely neutral, but is influenced by a set of filters that alter the message’s appearance before it reaches the public. Ownership, advertising, media elites, public opinion pressure, and anti-communism/anti-terrorism are the five filters that apply. Through these filters, the media are transformed into tools that serve the ruling elite and push the public to form opinions that are in the interests of the ruling class.

Overall, the theory of ‘manufacturing consent’ emphasises how the media play an important role in shaping the dissemination of information and ideas, while at the same time drawing attention to the impact of the media on public opinion and encouraging individuals to interpret information more critically.
Conventional views of the media as watchdogs or marketplaces of ideas are challenged by the propaganda model’s powerful and succinct explanation of their behavior and performance. The media function as a system of mind control in democratic societies, stifling the opportunity for informed and meaningful public participation in the political process. The media are not ironclad or static; they can be influenced by social movements, alternative media, and critical public opinion. We need to call for a more democratic and diverse media system that reflects and represents the interests and needs of the majority of the population rather than an elite minority.

Manufacturing Consent is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how the media shape our world and how we can challenge and change them. It is a book that will make you think critically and act creatively, and that will empower you to become a more informed and engaged citizen. I hope you enjoyed this blog post, and I invite you to read the book and share your thoughts and comments with me.
Thank you for taking the time to read.

1.Ou, K. (2023) 使用「木偶法」寫好 midjourney 的 prompt, 成就更好的自己. Available at: (Ou, 2023).

2.Jazeera English, A. (2018) Noam Chomsky’s manufacturing consent revisited: The listening post, YouTube. Available at: (Jazeera English, 2018)..

3.Inquire the Mind (2020) Manufacturing consent Noam Chomsky and the Media (documentary) 1080p, YouTube. Available at: (2020).

2 thoughts on “Manufacturing Consent

  1. Great post! I liked reading it and watching your video as I did not choose this topic for my own post so it was nice to understand something different. Your post has definitely helped me to understand the basics of Manufacturing Consent. I liked how you explained the concept and then also gave a clear summary.

  2. Good blog! I must say that your blog cover photo is very relevant to your content and very attractive.
    You mentioned in your blog about the media buzz during COVID-19, and there’s no doubt that the media was the main source of information for the public during this difficult time, with almost all of the information about COVID-19 being spread online. The “danger level” of the disease varies in different countries, with China, for example, exaggerating the danger to some extent. I don’t want to discuss whether this policy is right or not, but I have to admit that the media has manipulated people to a great extent. Therefore, I think people must increase their ability to judge the phenomenon of media manipulation.

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