Construction of Identity in a Digital World.

Our Identity has experienced several changes as a result of the digital world. Firstly, it has made easier the process of establishing and keeping up various identities for us. In our quickly changing digital world Identity has become a much more fluid idea. The conventional definition of identity has now extended to the virtual world.

We understand the digital world as a space of connection that includes and engages a specific set of individuals.

Identity on Social Media. Who we are?

Social media platforms facilitate versatility and an abundance of self-expression options. On different platforms, such Instagram and TikTok, users might take on multiple personas or exhibit different facets of their lives.

Nowadays in this digital world we can make our followers believe, through different digital platforms, whatever we want, we can show our best selves. We can also show what they want to see, and give the impression that we want most. First impressions matter and nowadays what others think of your Instagram too. People show their best images on social networks, the best parts of their lives. We construct out identities on social media through the content we share.

As I mentioned before, we can share and show whatever we want, we can shape and manipulate what others perceive. We know this concept as Impression Management, in other words, it deals with how people show themselves to transmit particular ideas, shape other’s perceptions of them, and control their public image. Moreover, we adapt to who we are, depending on whom we are interacting with.

there is no social world ‘over and above’ the interrelations of individuals, and no individual is understandable outside her/his embedding in the social world (Elias N, 1978, pp 14f. 128f)

Our Identities can benefit from social media in a variety of ways. For instance, it can support our ability to form relationships with individuals worldwide, and engage in creative expression. We might use social media as a platform to change the world and advocate for causes that are really important to us.

Although, social media can sometimes negatively affect who we are. For example, it can encourage a culture of jealousy and comparison, as well as lead to irrational expectations of both oneself and other people. Additionally people can harass, discriminate and bully others using social media.


Instagram vs. reality👏🏾✨ as my sis @mikkzazon says, NORMALIZE NORMAL BODIES👏🏾 #fyp #selflove #bodypositivity #curvybodies

♬ PLASTIC – Unghetto
@Sydneybell model and dancer.


Our Identities can be shaped by social media. It is critical to use social media in a healthy manner and to be aware of both its advantages and disadvantages. We may establish an authentic and positive social media presence by being aware of the content we share, the people we connect with, and the interactions we have with one another.

Reference list.

  • Couldry, N., & Hepp, A. (2018). The mediated construction of reality. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Tseëlon, E. (1992). Is the Presented Self Sincere? Goffman, Impression Management and the Postmodern Self. Theory, Culture & Society9(2), 115–128.
  • Haziq, S. (2021, December 9). Putting the best digital self forward in the age of Social Media. Medium.

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