TikTok-Is people’s real life really the same as that on TikTok?

Short introduce about the theory and TikTok platform

This theory mainly introduces how individuals display themselves on the internet. In self introduction, avatar, username, and the content they share. And these contents will also become different due to individual choices. [1]TikTok is a short video software, in which users can upload their own photos and videos, and have the live broadcast function. At the same time, users can like, comment on, and share their favourite videos.


First, the threshold for Tiktok is very low. Simply register and you can freely upload various videos and content. This has led to some people uploading videos and content that do not match their identity, in order to gain the public’s attention and achieve monetization, achieving the so-called overnight wealth. This type of carefully planned short video for the public often does not match the blogger’s own identity, making it impossible for the public to judge the authenticity of the content presented by the person.
Secondly, it is the mobility of identity. We all know that people always grow, and a person’s identity is never static, but changes with experiences, interpersonal relationships, and so on. This leads to a blogger posting videos at different times that may bring different feelings to the public, making it difficult for the public to accurately understand the true situation of the blogger, as their early videos may have different styles from recent ones.


High quality human males

The term “human high-quality male” comes from the video of Xu Qingen, a Tiktok blogger. [2]The blogger in this video is dressed in a designer outfit and publicly courting, stating that he is very wealthy and seeking a partner. Later, after the review of the Tiktok platform, the blogger was actually a poor person. The blogger used the name of “rich” to accumulate a large number of fans, and then cashed in the traffic to achieve commercial interests. The blogger himself is a poor person but pretends to be rich, thus accumulating a large number of fans, which is seriously inconsistent with his own identity.

My own TikTok

My own Tiktok account has the problem of style and content differences between early videos and recent videos. My early videos were released around the age of 16. At that time, most of my videos focused on playing games. I would edit my highlights in the game and publish them on Tiktok to show my personal technology to the public. However, over time, my recent Tiktok content is more about sharing my life in the UK, and is equipped with my different understanding of the cultural differences between the UK and China. The difference in video style between the previous and subsequent periods will result in the public and my fans not being able to understand my personality well, as my personality has changed over time and my personal experience.

Reference list

[1]Baidu Baike https://baike.baidu.com/item/抖音/20784697?fr=aladdin&fromtitle=抖音短视频&fromid=20623879#2_1

[2]Western civilisation broadcast https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1726964413121540915&wfr=spider&for=pc

2 thoughts on “TikTok-Is people’s real life really the same as that on TikTok?

  1. Hi, your blog is very interesting. I like how you related to yourself and explained how you use the platform and what it means to you. Don’t you think that people usually post according to what is trending and is giving the highest views, for example what the blogger Xu Qingen was posting, he knew that people were going to find out his real status but it seemed as if he didn’t mind that because he would of already gotten the ‘fame’ he intended to get. Also when posting about the difference in the UK and in China, don’t you tend to find yourself posting the good stuff or what you think people are going to interact with best. As i think that’s how social media has become a ‘false reality’.

  2. Great post! I like that you have created headings and subheadings so that the information is clear. I think it is great that you could also use your experiences with the TikTok app within your post.

    Whilst posting your TikTok content do you feel pressure to post in a certain way or potentially to impress others? I understand a number of TikTok users follow what is ‘trending’ is it difficult to stay away from doing this?

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