Red Book — Diversified identity-building platform

As one of the mainstream e-commerce platforms in China, Xiaohongshu(also called ‘Red Book’ or ‘Red’) is a lifestyle platform and the entrance to consumer decision-making. The essence of its interest is to take advantage of influential bloggers on the platform, allowing them to post notes to promote their products and build relationships with brands. But XiaoHongshu is more than just an e-commerce platform. In China, it is also a well-connected social media platform. Its slogan has changed from “Find good things overseas” to “Mark your life“, which means that the platform encourages people to create their own unique identity on the Red Book and show the label they have set.

So, how to build your own unique identity in Red Book. First, people need to decide what they want to show the public about themselves. Defining your positioning on social media. Having the output of specific content is key to creating identity and mastering web traffic on the platform.

In my own case, I also built my own unique identity in the Red Book. Combined with my own characteristics, I like to record life, like to take photos, and I am also good at composition. As a college student, I first positioned myself as the label of campus plog master, so my main audience is college students, or high school students who are full of yearning for college life. The identity of this campus blogger is also what I want to show to the outside world, and I am eager to get interaction with the outside world. After Posting notes several times, I can also better understand the needs of my fans, that is, the audience, which can help me better create my work and optimize my identity.

The life I present on the platform

In fact, social media is symbolic and needs to be highly interactive, such as bloggers and fans or brands.

In the process of interaction, people communicate and interact through language, body language, or expression. Just like the Red Book, most bloggers build their identity to get the recognition and attention of the majority of people, they hope to have a large number of likes and views. At the same time, the likes and comments of fans or viewers on the content they post are symbolic interactions to some extent.

Charmaz et al (2019) stated that people construct their identities or social worlds through interactions. This construction also provides a lens through which we can better observe ourselves, our daily lives, and the world. Taking Xiaohongshu as an example, social media is also the same. In this rapidly developing era, they help us better build ourselves and understand ourselves.

Reference list

Wan, A. (n.d.). Council Post: What Is RED (Xiaohongshu) And How Can It Unlock A New Revenue Stream? [online] Forbes. Available at: [Accessed on 5th.November.2023]

Charmaz, K., Harris, S.R. and Irvine, L. (2019). The Social Self and Everyday Life: Understanding the World Through Symbolic Interactionism. [online] Google Books. John Wiley & Sons.

2 thoughts on “Red Book — Diversified identity-building platform

  1. I’m enjoying what you’re sharing. I think you have found the right identity construct for you in the platform of Little Red Book. A clear identity on a social platform helps to shape a distinctive account so that you can segment and optimise what you post. I think this is where the traffic code is for every platform.

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