Two-step flow theory: society needs “opinion leaders.”

Two-Step Flow Theory: “Information and messages are first sent from the media to thought leaders, influencers, or individuals with large followings, and then forwarded to audiences down the chain of command.” (Delaney Witten, 2021)

It may sound hard to understand, but it’s really quite simple. Still, first, we need to understand what an “opinion leader” is: recall the last time someone gave you advice on buying clothes or think about a person who recommended a restaurant you’d like to try and how that person stands out in your mind.

None of these ideas are based on media such as adverts or the news, but rather on your family, friends, and classmates – people you respect who have some expertise or interest in this area. These people are similar to what Two-Step Flow Theory identifies as “Opinion Leaders”. The two-step flow theory describes the role of opinion leaders:

Step 1 –
From Media to Opinion Leader

  • When the media releases information, it does not go directly to the public. Instead, it first reaches what we call “opinion leaders”. These people are like information filters. They are usually more engaged, knowledgeable and even passionate about specific topics.

Step 2 – Information from Opinion Leaders to their Circles:

  • Once these opinion leaders have access to information, they process it, form their opinions, and then share those insights with their friends, family, followers, or colleagues. The second group may not seek out information directly from the source or may not engage with the news or a particular topic.
Image from

“In this communication process, the mass media disseminate values and ideologies, but the information is filtered and synthesised by opinion leaders, who then share their interpretations with opinion followers.” (Media Studies, 2022)

To put it more simply, this theory emphasises the importance of ‘opinion leaders’, and we are all beneficiaries of this theory because we can receive more valid opinions, allowing us to reshape our views on issues.

My Favourite Racing Game Review Blogger

If I’m a gamer, it might resonate more with me when I find out the latest news about a game, such as a sequel to a game or a significant update to a game, instead of checking it out on gaming platforms as a form of media, I’ll ask people around me who are interested in the game because they’re always on the lookout for it, or get information that I wouldn’t have been able to find out myself from my own searches on video platforms, thus maintaining a sense of ownership of the game. This is a win-win situation where the game blogger gets more attention and gets the information I need.


Media-Studies. (2022, September 2). Two step flow theory of communication: Definition and analysis. Media Studies.

Witten, D. (2021, September 13). The two-step flow theory today. Medium.

2 thoughts on “Two-step flow theory: society needs “opinion leaders.”

  1. This blog post effectively delves into the Two-Step Flow Theory, illustrating how information flows from media to opinion leaders, who then disseminate it further.
    The concept of “opinion leaders” is explained vividly, emphasising their role in shaping our perceptions, often based on personal connections rather than direct media influence.

    The breakdown of the theory into two steps is clear and concise, highlighting the crucial role opinion leaders play as information filters.

    The practical example of a gamer seeking information from peers rather than directly from media platforms is particularly distinctive and makes sense for the context. It showcases how this theory is relevant in our everyday lives, enabling us to receive more authentic and valuable insights.

    I would have appreciated a few more examples of how this theory plays out in different areas beyond gaming but overall it effectively breaks down a complex theory into a relatable concept, emphasising its importance in our daily lives!

  2. Hi Hankun!

    Your Blog is very interesting and helped me understand pretty much the main ideas of the Two Step Flow Theory and how it works.
    I like how you referred to an example of yourself and gaming and how you see opinion leaders and your connection with them i think by doing that its effective for the reader to maybe relate to you and the topic.

    However i think people have now started to see opinion leaders or influencers in the media age today as more than just information leaders or givers, people are now following them for their lifestyles and trying to become like them by following trends they put out whether its in fashion or diets etc.
    What do you think? Id like to know if you agree

    Again loved the layout and how simple but effective your Blog was!

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