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Two step flow theory in internet marketing

The two-step flow theory is a communication model proposed in the book The People’s Choice in 1948 by Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet after studying voters’ decision-making processes during the 1940 US presidential election. According to this classic communication model, information does not flow directly from the media to the public; instead, it has an intermediate channel before it is in the hands of the general public, which is the opinion leader. Opinion leaders are knowledgeable about a particular topic and can help inform and explain it to the public.

Image from http://natashadhillon93media.blogspot.com/2013/03/two-step-flow-theory.html

Although over eighty years old, the theory is still widely used in various fields, particularly in media and online communication. However, the information in today’s world usually reaches users directly from the press, thanks to the Internet’s user-friendliness and diverse information sources. As a result, the primary responsibility of opinion leaders has shifted from merely disseminating information to expressing opinions and communicating views.

Even if this model doesn’t currently have interactive features to consider consumer feedback, the two-step flow theory is still crucial in online marketing. With the emergence of the Internet, a new type of opinion leader called internet influencers has arisen. These individuals are active online, sharing their thoughts and influencing the spread of information and public views on different topics. Generally, online opinion leaders are professional scholars, internet influencers, or entertainment celebrities. They are gradually becoming the core and key in online marketing by using their influence and popularity to make persuasive recommendations to their fans. They do this by sharing their personal experiences and endorsing products through advertisements, which, in turn, shifts the public’s attention to their approved products and increases sales.

Image from https://marketech-apac.com/tiktok-shop-launches-in-singapore/

Besides the TikTok or Youtube-selling bloggers, the KPOP celebrity endorsement of luxury goods, which has become increasingly popular in recent years, is also a good example. In recent years, luxury brands have started to rely on K-pop celebrity endorsements as a marketing strategy, other than relying on quarterly fashion shows to attract customers in the past. This trend became more prominent as a few top K-pop celebrities started to gain popularity beyond the Asian region. Brands began inviting celebrities who match their brand image to become their spokespersons, which has proven effective. Fans are influenced by the messages spread by these celebrities, who are seen as opinion leaders and are motivated to buy the endorsed products. This trend has also resulted in increased sales for the luxury brands.

Taking Jimin from BTS, the celebrity with the best luxury resources in kpop for example

Reference list

Narula, A. (2022). How K-pop stars are taking over the fashion industry as brand ambassadors. Lifestyle Asia India. Available from https://www.lifestyleasia.com/ind/style/fashion/k-pop-topping-fashions-charts-as-global-luxury-brand-ambassadors/.

Natasha. (2013). Media- Critical Perspectives G325: Two Step Flow Theory. Media- Critical Perspectives G325. Available from http://natashadhillon93media.blogspot.com/2013/03/two-step-flow-theory.html [Accessed 13 December 2023].

They want what Jimin’s got: how K-pop stars like BTS singer influence teens. (2023). South China Morning Post. Available from https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/article/3209085/jimin-effect-how-teens-feel-pressure-buy-luxury-fashion-endorsed-bts-singer-dior-influencer.

Willi, C.H., Melewar, T.C. and Broderick, A.J. (2013). Virtual brand-communities using blogs as communication platforms and their impact on the two-step communication process: A research agenda. The Marketing Review, 13 (2), 103–123. Available from https://doi.org/10.1362/146934713×13699019904560 [Accessed 5 November 2020].‌

Yuan, L., Xia, H. and Ye, Q. (2022). The effect of advertising strategies on a short video platform: evidence from TikTok. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122 (8), 1956–1974. Available from https://doi.org/10.1108/imds-12-2021-0754.

2 thoughts on “Two step flow theory in internet marketing

  1. Hi,Yunqing, I just finished reading your blog and I think your explanation of the Two-Step Flow Theory is very clear. At the same time, you further explained the application of Two-Step Flow theory on today’s social platforms and provided relevant examples. Your blog has greatly helped me understand Two-Step Flow Theory.

  2. I think the use of the two-step flow communication theory is not just limited to the media field anymore, it is widely used in various aspects. As you cite, the theory incorporates fan culture, which drives economic benefits for the consumer market. Although the theory is somewhat flawed in that it fails to take the consumer into account, combined with the rapid dissemination of information on the contemporary internet, opinion leaders have a great way of getting feedback from the public.

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