Two step flow theory-Passive audiences

In these weeks of study, we have learned the concept of two step flow theory.The key of two-step flow theory illustrates that most people form their opinions under the influence of opinion leaders who in turn are influenced by the mass media.For example,we can get in touch with media content by the recommend of our family and friends.Media consumers will influence each other and spread media content.Opinion leaders pass on their own interpretation of information in addition to the actual media content.

The theory is based on a 1940s study on social influence which presented by Paul Lazarsfeld.This theory states that media effects are indirectly established through the personal influence of opinion leaders. The majority of people receive much of their information and are influenced by the media secondhand, through the personal influence of opinion leaders.Related to this is a theory called “Multi step flow theory”, which is also worth exploring, but it will not be discussed in this blog for the time being.On this blog,I’d like to focus on the two key idea of this theory-

  • Media is a source of propaganda.
  • Media is active and recipients are passive.
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There is no doubt that the media is communicative, but I want to make it clear that the communication ability of the media may far exceed our imagination. Based on two step theory, we know that media communication often exists between people, and it will also be invisible and affect us in daily communication.As a source of propaganda,the media is more likely to influence the public than we thought.

Based on the two step flow theory, we know that opinion leaders have great influence on the public,and opinion leaders will spontaneously interpret media content.This shows that mass leaders and everyone are passive recipients, and media consumers cannot control the main content of the media.In this case, I’d like to question whether the content of the media will guide people’s thoughts or brainwash the public.Take the concept of “National honor” as an example.We may argue that the news broadcast in the countries we are most familiar with is often not absolutely neutral. In many countries,for example China,the news broadcast will create national pride by describing the achievements of their own countries, while the audience will “passively accept” these.If media consumers get “national pride” from opinion leaders again, the public may be even more uncontrollable about the media.When the information that passively enters our lives spreads faster and faster through the media, will we be more and more easily influenced?

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To sum up,I reckon this theory indirectly proves to us the spread of the media and its vast influence.In some ways,related to this theory,fast media dissemination has advantages, such as the spread of knowledge and culture between people,but we need to pay more attention to the power of media communication and look at media communication with more critical thinking.

Editor:Sinan Tang w18979983

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