Application of Two-Step Flow Theory in digital media era

The Two-Step Flow Theory was proposed by Paul Lazarsfeld, Elihu Katz and R.K. Merton in 1950. In the communication model of Two-Step Flow Theory, there are two steps: First, information flows to opinion leaders through mass media(TV, newspaper, Internet, radio and so on). Second, information flows from opinion leaders to the wider public through the mass media and interpersonal relationship.

Opinion leaders usually refer to experts from various industries or people who have a greater influence on the society, and in the second step they often express their own recommendations or opinions on their social network, which can influence their family, friends and public. It is worth mentioning that many people are not influenced directly by the mass media, but more by the opinion leaders they respect or believe.

Here is a picture that can help you understand the Two-Step Flow Theory more easier:


Now, because of many social media platforms appeared, the Two-Step Flow Theory is more widely used than it was in 1950 but there have been some changes compared to the 1950. Take opinion leaders for example. Due to the vigorous development of the Internet, opinion leaders are not limited to experts or people with high social status. An ordinary person has the opportunity to become an opinion leader by publishing a post on Instagram or TikTok, as long as the content is attractive enough.

So the application of Two-Step Flow Theory in digital media era can be:

  • Give ordinary people opportunity to become Bloggers(Opinion leader) and will have own loyal audiences. Their comments or opinion will influence their audiences choice.

  • Used for advertising and marketing. Due to the emergence of a new generation of opinion leaders(including celebrities, bloggers, etc) many companies and brands collaborate with influential individuals on the internet to promote their products. Some brands, such as luxury goods, have their own reputation and influence, and become opinion leaders by publishing new brand products and activities on the internet. This is also the most popular marketing method nowadays.

  • The widespread dissemination of fake news. Obviously, the two-step flow principle can also be applied to negative impacts. Even news or messages released by opinion leaders with numerous followers may not necessarily be true, as publishing fake news with inflammatory and exaggerated characteristics often means high click through rates, which are related to the money they can earn.

  • Positive appeal and promotion. As the most popular medium of communication in the 21st century, the Internet can not only be used for entertainment, but also for scientific knowledge popularisation, online lectures and public welfare promotion, can be achieved on various social platforms.

  • Example: AI Gore was a very good example of correctly utilising the power of opinion leader. He is the protagonist of a documentary called ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which tells the story of his campaign to raise awareness of global warming. He closely monitors the issue of global warming and has sought over 1000 public speakers to help him spread information about global warming. The event is estimated to cover over 1 million audiences.

In addition, the Two-Step Flow Theory can also be applied in many other aspects, such as the current application of it still affecting political decisions in certain aspects. For current public relations, this is also a very useful communication tool.

Reference list:

1.Nathan Mahr(14/Aug/2022), What is the Two-Step Flow Communication Model?

URL: (23/Oct/2023)

2. Samantha Hernandez(13/Sep/2021), Do You Apply the Two-Step Flow Theory?


2 thoughts on “Application of Two-Step Flow Theory in digital media era

  1. Hi,Ruiwen. You clearly wrote the application scope of the two-step flow theory, which gave me a deep understanding of it. Looking forward to your next post!

  2. I think this blog explains in depth the application of the Two-Step Flow theory in the age of digital media. It emphasises the fact that social media has enabled ordinary people to become opinion leaders and drive marketing and advertising, while also stating the negative effects that can occur in the dissemination of information. Using the example of Al Gore to demonstrate the proper use of the power of opinion leaders clearly explains the importance and diverse applications of the theory in today’s social media environment.

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