A quick word about Culture Industry

Some definition of culture industry

Culture Industry is a concept pioneered by Adorno and Horkheimer in their book Dialectics of Enlightenment (1947). In particular, they stressed that “the cultural industry must be strictly separated from popular culture.” The cultural industry moulds the old and familiar into a new quality; In its various branches, those products suitable for mass consumption, those products which largely determine the characteristics of consumption, are produced more or less according to plan. Some branches have the same structure, or at least are interoperable with each other, and they are placed in a system that is almost indistinguishable. It is through technological means and economic and managerial centralization that all this is possible.”

Cultural industry, which takes the production and provision of spiritual products as its main activity and aims to meet people’s cultural needs, refers to the creation and sale of cultural significance itself, including literary and artistic creation, music creation, photography, dance, industrial design and architectural design in a narrow sense.

Different voices

Some critics argue that:Culture industry is the obedience to the social hierarchy and the most inflexible style of all, thus proves to be the goal of the very liberalism which is criticized for its lack of style. The ideology is business, but it is right because to the extent that the power of the culture industry lies in its unity with fabricated need and not in simple antithesis to it.

Some negative views about the cultural industry

The culture industry endlessly cheats its consumers out of what it endlessly promises.

The cultural industry has replaced suffering with the denial of pleasure, which is no less painful in ecstasy than in asceticism. Its supreme law is that what the consumer wants must not be available:and in that very deprivation they must take their laughing satisfacation.

The more established the cultural industry is, the more it can satisfy the needs of consumers at will – produce, control, constrain them; Or even withdraw from entertainment altogether; Here, there are no limits to cultural progress.

The less the cultural industry promises, the less it offers a meaningful explanation of life, and the emptier the ideology it propagates must become.

The basis on which technology is gaining power over society is the power of those whose economic position in society is strongest. It is the compulsive feature of a society alienated from itself.

The products of the culture industry are such that they can be consumed with vigilance even in a distracted state, but each product is a model of a vast economic machine that keeps everyone on their toes from the very beginning.


Cultural industry is the production, circulation and consumption of cultural products with spiritual entertainment.

1 thought on “A quick word about Culture Industry

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