The Two-Step Flow Theory: Understood

The initial concept and creation of the “Two-Step Flow Theory” was first developed during the 1940s. The theory was based on mass communication research undertaken by Paul Lazarsfeld and Bernard Berelson.

Before the theory was created it was assumed that mass media had a direct influence on the mass audience that consumed and absorbed media messages. According to this theory that was not the case.

The two-step flow theory concluded that media messages do not directly make an impact on the audience as a whole. Instead, the media impact comes from interpersonal interaction. The theory understands that this interpersonal interaction has a stronger effect when shaping public opinion rather than mass media outlets.

This process takes place over two stages.

The Two-Step Flow Model:

ReviseSociology (2019)

Step 1 Explained: The first people who engage with the media content are referred to as “opinion leaders”. The opinion leaders are the people who actively consume and then interpret the media content.

Step 2 Explained: Opinion leaders circulate this information to other individuals after they have broken down the meaning of the messages in the media. This indicates that these opinion leaders act as an avenue that shapes the public perception of the media they consume.

Simplified Two-Step Flow Model:

The Two-Step Flow Theory In Everyday Life:

There are several contexts where the Two-Step Flow Theory can be applied in this instance I will be using the example of Brands and Marketing. To spread awareness, brands can focus on opinion leaders to help create a buzz around their products. In this case brands use influencers in particular. Influencers have the ability to encourage their followers to buy a product after they do or buy it because they are associated with it.

A recent example of this is Love Island 2023 Finalist Ella Thomas and the launch of her PLT collaboration.

Each year a Pretty Little Thing clothing collaboration is given to one of the most popular females who appeared in that year’s Love Island Season, other influencer collaborations have included Molly-Mae, Indiyah Polack and Gemma Owen. With millions of viewers each year, Love Island is one of the most popular TV programmes worldwide. Members of the public become fans of these stars and follow their every movement, So by purchasing their clothing collection it is seen as supporting them. With this a large amount of promotion happens, the influencer becomes more popular and the brand can gain more money from sales.

Strengths of The Two-Step Flow Theory:

A more sophisticated viewpoint was offered through the two-step flow theory, which emphasised the significance of connections between people in facilitating the impact of media. The two-step flow theory opened up fresh opportunities for communication-related as well as theory development.

The theory highlights the importance of individual communication and interpersonal influence in shaping people’s opinions and understanding.

Limitations of The Two-Step Flow Theory:

The two-step flow model could seem too simple considering how complex communication is.

The internet and social media have changed the structure of communication. Any individual can serve as an “opinion leader” in some capacity. There are times when the media may impact people immediately without the assistance of opinion leaders.


The two-step flow theory has its critics – the theory is often deemed outdated due to the fact the media landscape has evolved significantly since the theory’s creation in the 1940s. However, the core concepts of the theory have remained relevant in the sociology, media studies, and communication areas.

Here is a helpful video that summarises the theory:


ReviseSociology (2019). The Two-Step Flow Model of Audience Effects. Available from [Accessed 19th October 2023]

Postelnicu, M. “two-step flow model of communication”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 28 Nov. 2016, [Accessed 19 October 2023]

Rane I, (2022) Two-Step Flow of Communication Theory: Simple Explanation Available from [Accessed 19 October 2023]

Mr.Sinn (2020) Two Step Flow Theory: Media Theories. Youtube. Available from [Accessed 19 October 2023]

Ella Thomas Images –

2 thoughts on “The Two-Step Flow Theory: Understood

  1. Hello Sharntae, first of all I want to say that I really like how you structure your post and how you explain the different steps of the topic making easier to understand. I honestly think the PLT example is a really good one to see how opinion leaders, in this case influencers, convince people to buy a product. I would like to ask you if you personally think that this theory has a negative or positive effect on society?
    To finish I want to say that I really like your post and your dedication!

    1. Hey, thank you for your kind comment!

      I personally believe the theory has a negative effect on society in particular the opinion leaders. Going back to my example of influencers, I believe they create an unrealistic standard for people to achieve which is not good for members of society. This is common in fitness influencers, they may endorse products, programs, and ideas to the public with the price, and it will help them change their body in a short space of time when this is not the case. Similar to beauty influencers creating an unrealistic standard for people to achieve.

      I think that people should form their own personal opinions on things that are going on rather than taking one from elsewhere.

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