Culture industry

The cultural foundation and ideas of each country are different, and with the changing times, culture is also gradually changing. Many old cultures require us to change in the form of media, that is, new media methods and media languages are constantly constructing and reconstructing our contemporary social life.A ‘living culture’ does not grow in a closed environment. It develops in people’s social interactions, through the creation and use of various media. When one form of social interaction or information is replaced by another form of social interaction and information, the entire culture is also gradually transforming, and the strong vitality of culture is precisely in its circulation and change,It is also amidst the more dynamic and valuable efforts and hopes of humanity. Therefore, the study of media culture aims to analyze its direction through various rich and specific media cultural phenomena, and further reveal the possible connections between them.

Media and online culture are ubiquitous in our lives, and how to tell and change depends on our language for writing. There should be correct speech and values, and when spreading the wrong media culture,Our next generation will inherit those erroneous cultures that affect many people, and these remarks will take a long time to change.

Culture and society are closely linked, and some of our remarks can change the truth of a matter and make a person perish. For example, in a movie about the harm caused by “media rumors”, the movie sparked emotions among the audience, “online chaos” is harmful to people, and “a casual remark from others, fermented through the internet, may ruin a person’s life”. The reporter noticed that multiple film and television dramas have paid attention to social issues such as online violence.

Due to the fact that the topic of media culture is open to contemporary life, people inevitably need to incorporate the values of life into media culture. This may be the significance of the existence of the cultural industry

The resources searched above are only used in the blog to express the content of the article I want to say
1.Contributed by Liu Shan
2.Author Kong Xiaoping sourced from Yangtze Evening News


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