About P.J.

Hello, my Chinese name is Jia Shengze, my English name is Paul, or you can call me P.J. As you can see, I am Chinese, and grew up in Beijing, which is the capital of China. I am 21 years old and I am currently studying at the University of Westminster for my undergraduate degree in Communication.

I love travelling and going to different cities to see different landscapes and experience the local customs. There are 34 provinces in China and I have been to 24 of them. China has a variety of landscapes and climates, and these travelling experiences have not only allowed me to see the rich and colorful landscapes and cultures but also broadened my horizons. Travelling is a valuable learning opportunity to understand the world better.

Of course, apart from the rich and varied landscapes, China also has a variety of cuisines. I am very good at tasting and cooking food. I am very good at touching throws, which is kind of my talent. All I need to do is taste the food and I know what spices are in it. Or I’ve watched a cooking instructional video once and I can tell how to present it perfectly. If you want to have a Chinese meal, you can always contact me and I will invite you to come and taste it at my place.

Finally, I would like to talk about why I chose to major in media. Personally, I’ve been interested in the media industry since I was a child, and I want to study related professional knowledge and work in related professions to accumulate experience and resources and contacts, which will help me start my own business in the future.

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